Welcome to Holy Mole. If all goes well, Holy Mole will be an epic. A story about a country preacher who goes on a journey to discover the world, and himself.

There are two parts to Holy Mole. First, which you can view now, is the strip. Short glimpses into the everyday life of Woody, Riley, and Burgher, the pastors of our church, and the mayhem they put up with everyday. The second part, the Book, will be the adventure, which takes off from the mundane, vocational aspect of the strip and launches Woody into his adventure. As soon as I finish the script, the Book will begin production. I will have a sneak peek of the book on this page soon.

This strip is not meant to be a source for religious or spiritual reference. It is more of a workplace comic than anything. The religion herein is fabricated, using Judeochristian doctrinology as inspiration only.

If you have any questions, concerns, hate or fan mail, you can send those to me at ryan.noriega@gmail.com